Posts tagged #bungie

New Live-Action Destiny Trailer from Joe Kosinski Teases Launch

Get ready to become a legend with Destiny, releasing September 9th on PS4 and Xbox One.

Bungie and Activision have released an all-new trailer today to get people hyped for the Destiny's release next week. It's a live-action trailer highlighting the different locales throughout the game, also focusing on the co-op nature of the game itself. 

The trailer is directed by Joseph Kosinski, director of Tron Legacy and Oblivion and adding to the excitement of the trailer are the voice of Peter Dinklage as Ghost and several as-of-yet unidentified actors which I'll update once they have been confirmed. 

Check it out, what do you think? Personally, I think that the trailer captures the look and feel of the previous animated marketing but knowing that it is the work of Kosinski, and being a huge fan of his, it feels like it's missing just that extra bit of his trademark style and flair. Regardless, it's a fun quick tease that only makes the wait until Amazon delivers my copy to my door that much longer.

Destiny Retail Release Will Scrap Your Beta Characters

Check out Star-Lord there... he's a Warlock, you know?

At a certain point into playing the Destiny Beta a few weeks ago, I decided to stop playing - automatically assuming that both my progress and my character/XP wouldn't carry over to the September release of the actual game. 

Bungie has indeed confirmed that the characters that players ran through the trials of the Beta will not carry over to the retail release of the game and everyone will be starting over from the ground up. Not a big surprise, but glad that I didn't spend that much time leveling up and equipping my character.

According to the IGN article, Bungie attempted to transfer player's hard-earned Beta characters over to the full version of the game but the result ended up a buggy mess that wouldn't have been fulfilling.

Will you guys be playing when the full version is released in September? And secondary question, which console will you be using?

Posted on August 11, 2014 and filed under Video Games.